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By becoming a member of the Society, You will have joined thousands of others before you, who have gathered to become one of the greatest clans in the world! We are a proud clan who love who we are, and take pride in celebrating and learning as much as we can about our heritage and way of life, then & know. By becoming a member you to can join in by celebrating the proud heritage through festivals and events that take place all over the states each year with us.



Membership fee's are $25.00 a year and it includes:

 1.) A monthly newsletter that keeps you informed on the Societies happenings.


 2.) The quarterly Journal that is so well put together by the outstanding team from the editor on down to the individual contributors go the extra mile to ensure a comprehensive journal is published for the membership to enjoy.

 The award-winning Journal of the Clan Campbell Society is about 50-60 pages of information that contains stories and articles on:

  • Campbell History Scottish & American

  • The Culinary Corner- Scottish Recipes

  • Kith & Kin Section- Genealogy query where people submit to magazine searching for a connection.

  • Genealogy Section - Articles about Campbell Genealogy

  • Highland Games , Activities & Event Schedules

  • Your name listed in the Journal as a new member of the Society


3.) The Society maintains a library that includes historical, literary and genealogical materials pertaining to Clan Campbell. A genealogy program is an integral part of the Society: members share whatever genealogical information they have on their ancestry, and it is entered into a database.



If you have decided to become a member of the Clan Campbell Society then just click the Join us button. An adobe form will open up for you to print, fill out and mail in.


We hope you have learned a little something about your Highland heritage. For we take to heart the motto of our clan Chief:


                                      Ne Oblivisaris - Forget Not

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