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Commissioners - act as representatives of the Clan Campbell Society, North America (CCSNA). They are a resource for society members and non-members alike. If you have a question about local Scottish festivals, Highland attire, clan genealogy, clan history or things Scottish, they are the people to ask. If they don’t know, they will put you in touch with someone who does. The most contact people generally have with commissioners are at regional Highland games.


Please make sure to visit us at the Clan Campbell tent, which is an excellent opportunity to spend time asking questions. As society members, remember that the CCSNA tent is yours. Come by to visit, get out of the weather or to drop off items you don’t wish to carry around. For anyone wishing to get involved as a volunteer, please contact one of us below. All that is needed is a willingness to learn and a desire to have a great time with fellow members of Clan Campbell.


                                         See you at the games!

Ohio State Commissioner: Victoria Reed

Phone: 703-403-3004



Vicki Reed is a 28-year veteran of the United States Air Force. She served in 13 different assignments performing flightline aircraft maintenance, depot production, staff management operations and twice managed deployed units in the Middle East. She will retire from active duty in the summer of 2014. Vicki is an Ohio native and graduate of The Ohio State University. Her Campbell roots flow from her maternal grandfather who was a Canadian citizen. Her husband, Ron, is also an Air Force veteran with Scottish roots that come from his father’s family, an associated family of Clan Donnachaidh (pronounced Donnakey). Their two sons are well adapted to living anywhere given seven different school systems in their young lives, and they can often be seen wearing their sport kilts at Scottish games. Vicki has been a member of Clan Campbell Society (North America) since 2009 and the Ohio Commissioner since November 2013.

Ohio Deputy Commissioner: Dr.Carol Linsenmeier, Scot 

PHONE: (440) 669-4110

EMAIL: carollinsenmeier@

"Dr. Carol Linsenmeier can trace her Campbell heritage back to 1655 in New Amsterdam in colonial America through her mother' s side. When not attending Scottish Games, she teaches violin, viola, and cello at 3 Northeastern Ohio arts schools. She also enjoys Scottish fiddling, and teaches that as well. Carol also combines her loves of history and music by teaching history- focused music and theater classes at a Montessori school.

Ohio State Deputy Commissioner: Barbara Campbell

Phone: 330-758-5772


Barbara Campbell is a Campbell twice over. Her grandmother's maiden name was a Campbell and she married a Campbell.  She traces her Campbell history back to John Campbell  born abt. 1760 of Washington County, Pennsylvania. She has been a family historian for 15 years and is currently working on becoming a certified genealogist. She has been the  County Coordinator for  Brooke and Hancock County, West Virginia Genweb for the past 4 years. She loves being a Campbell and learning all about the Campbell history and ways of life. She is a member of the National Genealogy Society, Ohio Genealogy Society, The Scottish American Society, The Ohio Scottish Society, and the Clan Campbell Society of North America. In her spare time she likes  do charity work for various organizations, do family research for others, build websites and spend time with her family.


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